ActiveSmart Wheatbelt was a tailored active lifestyle behaviour change program that launched in 2016, servicing 12 shires in regional WA, in an effort to combat the growing obesity crisis. The aim of the program was to support 4,000 participants across the Wheatbelt to become more physically active, engage in active recreation, and increase community connectedness. ActiveSmart Wheatbelt created sustainable behaviour change by providing one-on-one telephone coaching in 3 phases over 6 months, delivering tailored informational resources, and facilitating engagement in local physical activity groups. BDW worked closely with the Department of Sport and Recreation on the design and implementation of this program, and both received an abundance of positive feedback from program participants. During the program, many residents found an activity that they enjoyed and managed to maintain this activity for the duration of the program.
WA Department of Sport and Recreation
Wheatbelt regions, Western Australia